
IWA Conference LWWTP 2024

The conferences on Large Wastewater Treatment Plants (LWWTP) are the most traditional specialised conferences organised by IWA specialist groups. The first conference (at that time called “workshop”) was held in Vienna and then was repeated in four-year periods in Vienna and since 1987 also in Budapest and Prague. This conference is the 14th conference in the series. The last conferences of the specialist group were held in Budapest (2011), Prague (2015) and Vienna (2020) postponed and finally cancelled due to COVID 19).
The conference will focus on all aspects of the design and operation of large wastewater treatment plants including economic topics. It will also discuss research and technology for nutrient removal and recovery approaches. It will bring together operators, designers and consultants on one side with researchers, university teachers, life cycle analysis (LCA) specialists, developers, technology and equipment providers on the other side.
Special emphasis will be given to active participation of young water professionals. The conference will provide a forum for ideas and opinion exchange and for sharing practical experience spanning the whole range from design and operation of large wastewater treatment plants to concepts of wastewater management in “Cities of the Future”.
The early bird rate has been extended to May 6th.


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